March 12, 2013

Realized that March 31 was Easter so have changed the date of the Landscape Quilt Class at Poppy Quilt N Sew in Georgetown to April 20, 2013; 10-4. Hope this date change helps those of you who wanted to take the class. Poppy Quilt N Sew phone # 512.863.6108.

March 09, 2013

It has been a while since I have written anything here. I am in the process of helping my mother get ready to enter an assisted living facility. It has been a long haul.

March 30, Saturday, my Landscape Class will be offered again at Poppy Quilt N Sew, Georgetown, TX from 10 to 4:00. This sis such a fun class! It is a partially kitted class in that you get to use some really terrific products such as fabric paints, lutradur,foils, Angelina Fibers and Film to name a few. I will also show you show really interesting hot tesxtile techniques. You will learn how to use many supplies you have already purchased but forgot just what you can do with them. For more information you can call Poppy Quilt N Sew at 512.863.6108 or you can e-mail me at